The power of breaking cycles. (the curse)

1398470_10202095534966573_2053653851_oIt truly seems like just yesterday that my older boys were toddlers running around the house and being busy like little boys are.  There is eleven years between the twins and our next boy Keegan who is followed by his brother Jude.  It is so funny to me that I am repeating the toddler stage all over again.  God has blessed me more than I could have ever imagined by giving each of my sons to me.  This is one treasure that I don’t feel worthy of on some days.  I am so thankful for each of these precious gifts.

One of my favorite times with our older boys is in the morning before school.  It used to be in the car on the way to school where we would pray for our day together and I would use that opportunity to challenge them to show love and respect to the ones that God puts before them.

This year, our oldest boy has his own car and now drives his brothers to school which allows me to stay home with the little ones.  At 7:00 a.m., we meet in the living room for devotions.  I remember the mornings years ago when I was their age doing this same thing with my family.  Sometimes I will ask each of them to take a turn as we pray for different ones that we know need prayer.  I love hearing them grow in communicating with God.

‘The Lord is slow to anger, abounding in love and forgiving of sin and rebellion. Yet he does not leave the guilty unpunished; he punishes the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation.” Number 14:18

Last week, I took the time to explain to them their rich heritage.  They are the fourth generation of believers on my side of the family.  I tried to help them grasp the significance of what this means for them.  Both my father and mother’s fathers broke the cycle and as young men became believers in Christ.  They both also then became pastors.  My father met my mother at bible college and at a young age became a pastor and still serves as one today.  Both of my brothers are now pastors as well.   I would never put pressure on them to seek this calling out.  Lord knows how challenging it can be.  I want them to be who God created them to be and only God knows who that is.  The key here is that they have a GREAT blessing being passed down over their lives.

As I pray for God to show me who our sons are, I’ve seen a leadership gift within our oldest boy.  He is seventeen and beginning to step more and more into his role as a young man.  A few weeks ago, I had a God appointed car ride with him where I spoke into that gift and encouraged him to pray about setting aside “a day” to pray over the direction that God wants him to take with his life.  God has a specific purpose for all of us.  It is so important to seek Him for what that may be.

Since the first day of each of my boys life, I have committed myself to praying for them.  I have cried out to God and I completely trust Him with the things that I have spoken.

Maybe you are a first generational “beleiver” in your family?  I pray today that God shows you the future of what that means.  That choice brings a richer blessing to each generation to follow.  


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